- He looked so dispirited I took pity on him. 他那十分沮丧的样子令我产生了怜悯。
- He looked so downcast I took pity on him. 他那十分沮丧的样子令我产生了怜悯。
- It seemed to him that Heaven had at length taken pity on him. 他觉得,似乎上苍终于悯念到他了。
- You should take pity on him. 你应该可怜他。
- I helped drive Pierre around when he broke his foot because I took pity on him. 皮耶摔断腿时;我基于同情而帮忙开车载他.
- She took pity on him only when he adopted the disguise of a bedraggled cuckoo,and tenderly warmed him in her bosom. 后来宙斯隐身为一只羽毛披乱的杜鹃鸟,赫拉这才可怜他,温柔疼护地把他放在怀里取暖。
- Signor Vitelli took pity on him and vent for his wife and daughter to come down to the cafe to join them. 维太里先生派人去喊他老伴和女儿下山来,到咖啡馆同他们一道聊聊。
- Surely, he reasoned, sniffling quietly, surely somebody here would take pity on him if he walked to the door and calmly asked for some food. 他轻轻抽抽鼻子,确信,如果自己走到那扇门前,说话很和气地要些吃的,小屋里的人,会同情地施舍给他的。
- She took pity on him only when he adopted the disguise of a bedraggled cuckoo, and tenderly warmed him inher bosom. 后来宙斯隐身为一只羽毛披乱的杜鹃 鸟 ,赫拉这才可怜他,温柔疼护地把他放在怀里取暖。
- Don't take pity on him. 不要同情他。
- She took pity on him only when he adopted the disguise of a bedraggled cuckoo, and tenderly warmed him in her bosom. 后来宙斯隐身为一只羽毛披乱的杜鹃鸟,赫拉这才可怜他,温柔疼护地把他放在怀里取暖。
- It seemed to him that heaven had at length taken pity on him, and had sent this noise to warn him on the very brink of the abyss. 他觉得,似乎上苍终于怜悯他的不幸了,所以派这个声音来警告他立刻悬崖勒马。
- The other drinkers take pity on the old fellow. 其他酒徒则对这位老伙计十分同情。
- The merchant took pity on him and lent him the horse, and the servant left in the hope that he would be in Isfahan that night. 商人很同情他,于是把马借给了仆人。仆人立马朝着伊斯法罕出发了。
- The old lady often takes pity on small animals. 那位老太太常常怜悯小动物。
- If I do not take pity on her, I am a villian. 我要是不心疼她,我就是个恶棍。
- Why didn't god take pity on those poor guys? 老天爷又何必跟小小蝼蚁计较?
- Do take pity on me, please; help me in the trouble. 请同情我,帮我渡过难关。
- We took pity on the homeless girl and took her into our house. 我们同情这个无家可归的女孩,让她住进了我们的屋子里。
- May no one extend kindness to him or take pity on his fatherless children. 愿无人向他延绵施恩!愿无人可怜他的孤儿!