- EJB组件技术分析Analysis of the EJB Component Technique
- 比较全面的介绍了J2EE技术,其中重点分析了EJB组件技术。Introduced J2EE technology in a comparative all-round way and analyzed EJB package technology especially.
- 基于EJB组件技术的钢铁企业生产管理系统模型结构的研究Research and Practice of Model of Product Management System of Icon & Steel Enterprise Based on EJB Technology
- 三、介绍Struts+EJB框架的技术组成:Struts框架和EJB组件技术。The Struts + EJB framework is described in part four.
- XML在EJB组件技术中的应用Application of XML in EJB
- 用于智能交通系统的EJB组件研究及其性能分析The Research of EJB Component Architecture for Intelligent Traffic System and Its Performance Analysis
- EJB组件EJB component
- EJB组件技术及应用The EJB Component Technology and Applications
- 通过分析EJB组件模型的技术特点,制定了从PIM到PSM的映射规则。Through analysis the technology character of EJB, the paper gives the mapping rule from PIM to PSM.
- 利用UML模型设计EJB组件Designing EJB component with UML model
- Windows平台下基于COM组件技术的WebMail系统设计与实现The Design and Implimentation of WebMail System Based on COM Technology on Windows
- 您进行面向对象的分析和将工作成果映射到EJB组件的方式很有意思。It was interesting to see how you do object oriented analysis and map those work products down to EJB components.
- ASP组件技术ASP component technique
- 同步物流系统中EJB组件的设计Designation of EJB groupware in the synchronization logistic system
- COM组件技术COM component technology
- EJB组件的安全机制与安全性设计Security Mechanism and Security Design of EJB Component
- GIS组件技术ComG IS technology
- 使用何种EJB组件组装来自服务的数据?Which type of EJB component should assemble the data returned by a service?
- 基于XML和EJB组件的IT资源监控系统设计Design of IT Resource Monitor System Based on XML and EJB Component