- ESP教学ESP teaching
- ESP教学模式ESP teaching model
- 教学teacher and student
- ESP教学改革ESP teaching reform
- ESP教学原则与教法teaching principle and methodology research of ESP
- ESP教学现状及展望ESP Teaching: Its Present Situation and Future
- 教学的didactical
- 教学大纲teaching program
- 教学质量quality of teaching
- 教学内容content of courses
- 英语专业的ESP教学及师资培养ESP Teaching and Teacher Training for English Majors
- 教学模式teaching model
- 教学目标instructional objectives
- 教学计划teaching plan
- 课堂教学classroom teaching
- 教学实习practice teaching
- 教学相长teaching benefits both teacher and pupil alike
- 教学过程teaching process
- 教学重点focal point
- 教学设备education aids