- Erb麻痹,臂丛神经麻痹Erb paralysis
- 产伤性臂丛神经麻痹的早期干预Early Intervention in Birth Brachial Palsy
- 目的 探讨早期干预对产伤性臂丛神经麻痹的疗效。Objective The curative effect of early intervention in birth brachial Palsy (BBP) was discussed.
- Erb麻痹Erb's palsy
- Duchenne-Erb麻痹/综合征Duchenne-Erb paralysis/syndrome
- 分娩性臂丛神经麻痹后遗肩关节内旋挛缩致盂肱关节畸形的Waters分型The Waters classification of glenohumeral joint deformity secondary to shoulder internal rotational contracture of brachial plexux birth palsy
- 关节囊挛缩松解术用于Erb麻痹Capsular contracture release for Erb's palsy
- 面部神经麻痹facial paralysis
- 周围神经刺激器定位在肌间沟经路臂丛神经阻滞中的应用Application of Peripheral Nerve Stimuli Location in Nerve Blockage of Brachial Plexus via Myo-intergroove
- 本节目主要讲解腓神经麻痹的病因病机、临床表现和推拿调理方法。This program deals with the pathogeny, clinical manifestation, and the massage treatment of peroneal nerve paralysis.
- 臂丛神经阻滞复合氯胺酮静脉麻醉在小儿上肢手术中的应用The application of plexus brachialis nerves block combined with ketamine intravenousanesthesia used in the operation of children's arm
- 夏天开空调过夜很容易引起面部神经麻痹,因此最好不要通宵使用。An overnight use of air conditioner in summer, closely relating with facial paralysis, is inadvisable.
- 臂丛神经损伤后副神经的电生理改变及其对斜方肌功能的影响Electrophysiological change of accessory nerve after brachial plexus injury and its effects on the function of trapezius
- 喉返神经麻痹的CT表现The CT features of recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis
- 大鼠臂丛神经根回植脊髓后神经再生对肱二头肌功能恢复的影响Effect of neural regeneration on the functional restoration of the biceps muscle after re-implantation of brachial nerve root to the spinal cord of rats
- Duchenne-Erb麻痹/综合征,臂丛上干综合征Duchenne-Erb paralysis/syndrome
- 臂丛神经显露法exposure of brachial plexus
- 臂丛神经干trunk of brachial plexus
- 臂丛神经束cord of brachial plexus
- 臂丛神经分叉division of brachial plexus