- FAA跟进审核珠海摩天宇FAA Carried out Consecutive Examination to Zhuhai MTU
- 珠海摩天宇获得FAA维修许可证Zhuhai MTU Obtains FAA Certification
- 珠海摩天宇正式投产MTU Zhuhai in Operation
- 以高质量服务赢得高回报访珠海摩天宇航空发动机维修有限公司MTU Maintenance Zhuhai Getting Its 50th Engines
- 摩rub
- 珠海zhuhai
- 摩羯Capricorn
- 摩天轮ferris wheel
- 项目的跟进和面试安排。Facilitating project arrangements eg. interview scheduling etc.
- 摩羯座Capricornus
- 会计迅速地审核了这堆发票。The accountant quickly look through the pile of invoice.
- 请把报告编号告知我,以便为您跟进。Please may I have the report number so that I can chase this for you. Thank you.
- 天文学家用望远镜扫视天宇。The astronomer scanned the heavens through a telescope.
- 查帐员审核了全部凭单。The auditor looked through all the vouchers.
- 跟进分析科学前沿的教学内容动态更新模式Exploring a New Teaching Model to Keep Pace with the State-of-the-Art Analytical Science and Technology
- FAA复合外加剂对高掺量粉煤灰水泥混凝土性能的影响Effect of FAA Admixture on Properties of High Performance Concrete with Large Content of Fly Ash
- 非实地审核off-site scrutiny
- 成思危副委员长为摩天宇公司题词。The inscription of Mr. Cheng Siwei, the Vice-Chairman of the National People's Congress for MTU Maintenance Zhuhai Co. Ltd.
- 部门专员将于下一个工作天跟进垂询,并与阁下联络。Our staff will contact you shortly for follow-up on the next working day.
- 租金审核员a rent reviewer