- Gay腺Gay's glands
- 腺癌adenocarcinoma
- 腺gland
- Gay-Berne势Gay-Berne potential
- 胸腺thymus gland
- 你什么时候开始意识到有关gay的事情?When did you first become aware of gay issues?
- 但部分GAY的外在表现是有其共性特征的。But the external manifestation in part of GAY has its generality characteristic.
- 腺苷adenosine
- 哪个后街男孩是gay,哈哈大家不妨来猜猜,以上图片用于参考Which backstreet boy is gay
- 腺病毒adenovirus
- 腺嘌呤adenine
- 腺瘤adenoma
- 有良好的个人素质,热情、真诚、善良、互相帮助、珍惜友谊。抱歉:如果你是GAY,请不要与我联络。There is good and personal character, enthusiasm, sincerity, docile, mutual help, cherish the comity.Sorry:If you are a GAY, please do not want to contact me.
- 腺体glandular organ
- 最为突出的青年积极分子的战斗废除军队的"不问,不告诉"禁令公开gay现役军人和争取宽容的保守基督徒。The most prominent young activists are fighting to repeal the military's "don't ask, don't tell" ban on openly gay service members and campaigning for tolerance among conservative Christians.
- 其中Gay和Bi过去6个月与女性发生性行为的比例分别为14.1%和66.0%; 从未使用安全套比例分别为82.4%和70.1%。the respective proportions of having sex with females among Gay and Bi were 14.1%25 and 66.0%25 in the past 6 months,and the proportions of never using condom were 82.4%25 and 70.1%25,respectively.
- 胸腺嘧啶thymine
- 三磷酸腺苷triphosadenine
- 腺病struma
- 腺的adenoid