- Gordon-Mills-Welch序列Gordon-Mills-Welch sequences
- Welch-Gong序列Welch-Gong sequences
- Mills向大会介绍说,提前计划是伦敦2012奥运会的又一特点。Mr Mills told the General Assembly that early planning would also be a hallmark of the London 2012 Games.
- 时间序列temporal series
- Welch法Welch method
- Welch算法Welch method
- 输入序列list entries
- 通用面粉公司 (General Mills Inc.)的发言人说制作过程比较迅速,但也承认,将新形象推广到整个贝蒂. 克罗克食品系列却花费了不少时间。That process was relatively quick,General Mills Inc.,spokesmen explain. But they acknowledged that it took quite a while to spread the new image to the whole range of Betty Crocker products.
- Welch周期图Welch's Periodogram
- 擦干眼泪,打扮一下,然后对Gordon说你想再开诚布公地谈一次。Dry your tears, make yourself pretty and tell Gordon you'd like to have one more heart-to-heart talk.
- Baum-Welch算法Baum-Welch algorithm
- 氨基酸序列amino acid sequence
- Baum-Welch方法Baum-Welch method
- 核苷酸序列nucleotide sequence
- 拖出型Welch法直肠癌超低位切除术Pull-through Welch procedure for the resection of ultralow rectal carcinoma
- BSN -- 后向序列号BSN - Backward sequence number
- 拖出式Welch法治疗低位直肠癌:28例报告Pull-through Welch procedure for the lower rectal carcinoma: a report of 28 cases
- 凹序列concave sequence
- 基于Welch谱估计的宽带通信窄带干扰抑制技术Techniques for Narrowband Interference Suppression in Wideband Communication Based on Welch Power Spectra Estimation
- 时间序列建模modelling via time series