- Granger因果关系Granger causality
- Granger因果关系检验Granger causality test
- 四川省经济发展与耕地非农化的Granger因果关系分析Granger Causality Test Between Economic Development and Cultivated Land Conversion in Sichuan Province
- 关系relation
- 因果关系causality
- Granger因果检验Granger causality test
- Granger因果分析Granger causal analysis
- Granger因果检验法Granger-Causality test.
- 动态Granger因果检验granger causality
- 因果关系的causal
- Granger因果分析模型modeling Granger causality analysis
- 过失侵权责任以过失行为与对人身或财产的侵权之间的因果关系为前提。Trot liability for negligence presupposes causality between the negligent act and the injury to person or property.
- 多元Granger因果测试multi variable Granger causality test
- 事件与事件或情况与情况的同时发生,两者恰合或有相关的意义但无明显因果关系。an event that might have been arranged although it was really accidental.
- 结果表明,三次产业的能源消费弹性是不同的,GDP是能源消费的格兰杰因果关系。The result shows that the energy consumption flexibility in each industry is different and GDP is the Granger causality of energy consumption.
- 沪市认购权证与其标的股票价格走势的Granger因果检验Granger-Causality Test of the Price Trend Between Call Warrants of the Security and Their Underlying Stocks in Shanghai
- 因果关系链Chain of Causation
- 物理学中的因果关系causality in physics
- 基于数据收集和计算的方便性,本文用人力资本的成本教育投资来衡量人力资本。 在处理数据时,主要运用了单位根检验、Granger因果检验和协整检验的方法。In order to make the analyses easier and clear, Denise's method is simplified, and education investment is used to instead of human capital.
- 因果关系网Net of Causation