- H9流感抗体H9 viruses
- H9亚型H9 subtype
- H9亚型AIVmildly pathogenic avian influenza virus
- 流感抗体influenza antibody
- H9亚型禽流感AI(H9)
- 禽流感H9亚型AIV H9
- 他把流感传给我了。He gave me the flu.
- H9亚型特异性H9 subtype-specific
- [医] 抗体ab.
- 护士给我打了治疗流感的针。The nurse gave me a flu shot.
- H9亚型禽流感病毒H9 subtype avian influenza virus
- X抗体Anti-hepatitis B virus X antigen antibody
- 我们都在服药预防流感。We are all taking medicine against the flu.
- 偏心直径公差为h9。The eccentric diameter tolerance which is h9.
- KLH抗体anti-KLH antibody
- 肺炎由流感引起。Lung fever develops from flu.
- IgG抗体IgG antibody
- 我们房间里的所有人都患了流感。Everyone in our room got the flu.
- HIV抗体HIV antibody
- 可以使用符合h9级公差的商用冷拉轴,无需进一步机加工。Commercial drawn shafting to tolerance h9 can be used without further machining.