- Hadamard积Hadamard product
- 弱Hadamard积weak Hadamard product
- 弱Hadamard积的行列式下界估计的Oppeheim不等式Oppenheim Type Inequality for Estimation of Lower Bound of the Determinant of Weak Hadamard Product
- 积old
- 第二部分主要研究了Hadamard积的一些性质,讨论了多个半正定矩阵之间的Khatri-Rao积和Tracy-Singh积不等式及半正定矩阵Khatri-Rao积的性质,并将其推广到广义矩阵之间的Khatri-Rao积。A further study of the Khatri-Rao products for positive semi-definite matrice is made. Some inequalities involving the Khatri-Rao products, Tracy-singh product, Hadamard products and Kronecker products of several matrices are presented. And some inequalities involving the Khatri-Rao, Hadamard and Kronecker products are presented.
- 资本公积contributed surplus
- 卷积convolution
- 公积surplus
- Hadamard矩阵Hadamard matrix
- 积少成多many a little makes a mickle
- Hadamard乘积Hadamard product
- Hadamard变换Hadamard transform
- 积液pyema
- Hadamard可微Hadamard differentiability
- Hadamard模式Hadamard mode
- 内积inner product
- Hadamard操作Hadamard operation
- 横截面积cross-sectional area
- Hadamard主值Hadamard principal value
- 胸腔积液pleural effusion