- Huxley势Huxley potential
- 运势luck tendency
- 电势electric potential
- 他有钱有势,可尽管如此却并不快乐。He has great power and wealth, but is still unhappy for all that.
- 基于跨膜电压的时空特性分析了极低频电场下细胞跨膜电压的变化规律:建立了引入外电场参数的改进的肌肉中Hodgken-Huxley(HHM)模型。Based on results of space-time characteristics of trans-membrane voltage, the variation of cell trans-membrane voltage exposed to extremely low frequency (ELF) electric field is analyzed.
- 趋炎附势curry favour with the powerful
- 造势make a show of power
- 去势emasculation
- 势的potential
- 蓄势save up strength
- 势垒voltage barrier
- 作势assume a posture; attitudinize
- 伊势Ise
- 借势take advantage of other's power
- 他们当然熟知战势。They were of course well abreast of the war situation.
- 极化和超电势polarization and overpotential
- 液体接界电势liquid junction potential
- ζ电势ζ-potential
- 阉牛是去势的公牛.A bullock is a castrated bull.
- (蜂)群势the morale of the colony