- I don;t care about Chikane. 我不关心千歌音。
- I don' t care a jot for their feelings. 我一点都不理会他们的感受.
- I don' t care a fig what others think of me. 我毫不在乎别人对我有什麽想法.
- As for me, I don' t care for tea. 就我来说,我是不喜欢喝茶的。
- Yes, but you're right - I don't care about money. 是的,你是对的,我不在乎金钱。
- I don't care about money or what people call position. 我不在乎金钱或者别人所谓的地位。
- All this care about money is awful. 在钱上面煞费苦心太叫人吃不消。
- Typos and misspellings tell the hiring manager you don’t care about the quality of your work. 我见燕没反应,更加大胆的解开燕的短裙拉练,迅速将短群和白色内裤全部脱下丢在一边。
- Some users don’t care about emptying their thrash and also use it as another folder at times, this will remind them to empty it. 有些用户从来不去关心清空回收站,还不时把它当成另外的文件夹使用,这样的图标会提醒他们清空它。
- At my school, a lot of people goof around about music and don’t care about it, but this place actually has people who really care. 在我的学校里,很多人提到音乐就只会耍宝搞笑,根本不把它当一回事,但这里的人真的很看重音乐。”
- When you start modeling your interaction around answering the second question, girls quickly realize that you don’t care about all the superficiality. 当你开始围绕第二个问题的回答来建立搭讪的模型时,美女会很快意识到你不在乎她的肤浅。
- I don' t care a damn what you do. ; I don' t give a damn what you do. 我才不在乎你的所作所为呢。
- I don't care where we go as long as we don't have to stand in line. 不管去哪里,五月天成人俱乐部我们无法雇用你。
- He's the sort of person who only cares about money. 他这种人一心只想着钱。
- I don't care about money. 我不看重钱。
- I don’t care whether you are fat or thin, all that I need is a healthy and happy Snowwhite. 我不介意你的胖与瘦,我需要的是一个健康快乐的公主。
- Scrooge dislikes Christmas and only cares about money. 斯克鲁奇讨厌圣诞节,他只在乎金钱。
- Nikita Khrushchev You won‘t give up the bridge. I don‘t care if you lost half your men. Lose the other half. Lose yourself. 赫鲁晓夫你不能失守大桥。我不关心这样是否会损失你一半的人。把另一半人的命也豁出去。你也要英勇献阵。
- I don' t lend money to people that I distrust. 我不把钱借给我信不过的人。
- So should I tell you to live in poverty or just to have a simple life and not care about money or things like that? 所以是否我应该告诉你们要过着贫穷或是简单的生活,不要在乎钱财方面的事?