- IP多播心跳IP multicast heartbeat
- 我们将从一个简单的示例开始,该示例演示了两个进程如何使用IP多播进行通信。We ll begin with a simple example that demonstrates how two processes communicate using IP Multicast.
- 下个月,我们将研究使用IP多播来查找活动对等点的对等点发现的实现。Next month we ll examine an implementation of peer discovery that uses IP Multicast to locate active peers.
- IP组播心跳IP multicast heartbeat
- 播spread
- 最多maximum
- 目前,IP多播是有用的,也是能得到的,但它使用不普遍。IP Multicast today is useful and available, but not ubiquitous.
- IP多播IP multicast
- 针对群集心跳启用多播支持Multicast Support Enabled for the Cluster Heartbeat
- IP多播多层交换IP multicast multilayer switching
- 多播multicast
- 多播树multicast tree
- 安全多播Security Multicast for Ad Hoc Based Partially Trusted Model
- 多播路由器multicast router
- 多播域multicast domain
- 光多播multicast
- 多播源multicast source
- 多播组multicast group
- 聚合多播aggregated multicast
- 多播路由multicast routing