- Intemet密钥交换协议IKEv2
- 本文针对互联网密钥交换协议(IKEv2),对Athena方法进行了扩展。This paper extends theory of Athena approach according to IKEv2 protocol.
- 密钥交换协议性能测试研究Research on performance testing of IKE protocol
- 密钥交换协议中本原根的快速确定方法及其实现Amethod and its implementation for effectively searching primitive root in key exchange protocol
- 密钥key
- Diffie-Hellman密钥交换协议Diffie-Heliman key exchange
- 获取一个值,该值指示此实例使用的密钥交换算法的强度。Gets a value that identifies the strength of the key exchange algorithm used by this instance.
- IPSec安全协议共包括AH协议、ESP协议以及进行自动密钥交换的IKE协议(可选)。IPSec security protocols include AH protocol, ESP protocol and IKE protocol which can finish security key exchange automatically (optional). The contribution of the thesis involves:
- 椭圆曲线密钥交换体制ECDH (Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman)
- 密钥交换协议key exchange protocol
- 正在删除专用交换密钥Deleting your private exchange key
- Diffie-Hdllman密钥交换Diffie-Hellman key exchange
- 正在导入新的专用交换密钥!Importing a new private exchange key!
- 密钥协议Key Protocol
- 密钥管理协议key management protocol
- 获取或设置用于在密钥交换创建过程中创建空白的参数。Gets or sets the parameter used to create padding in the key exchange creation process.
- 密钥协商协议key agreement protocol
- 密钥验证协议Authentication and Key Agreement(AKA)
- 密钥交换key exchange
- 密钥建立协议Key establishment protocol