- The young driver peeled rubber all the way down the street. 这个年轻司机沿着这条街一路飞驶而去。
- Have you ever seen a one-legged dog making its way down the street? 你可曾见过一只在街上默默行走的的独脚小狗?
- Have you ever seen a one-legged dog making his way down the street? 你可曾见那个沿着它道路艰难行进的瘸腿狗么?
- I definitely wanna get married one day, but that ¡ ¯s way down the line. We just met! 我有天一定会结婚的,但那都是后话。我们才刚认识。
- It's way down the street. 在这条街很远的地方。
- A tall, statuesque woman makes her way down the street towards them. 一个体态优美的高挑女人沿着街道向他们走来。
- Have you ever seen a one-legged dove making his way down the street? 你曾经有没有见过一只一条腿的和平鸽正在努力的飞在大街上呢?
- It was getting along in the afternoon as we worked our way down the ridge. 当我们一路排除困难走下山岗时,天色已近薄暮。
- The children walk down the street hand in hand. 孩子们手拉手地在街上散步。
- Steve walks warily down the street, with the brim pulled way down low. Ain't no sound but the sound of his feet, machine guns ready to go. 斯蒂夫警惕地沿着大街行走,将帽沿拉得很低。除了他的脚步声外,没有任何声音,机关枪已经准备好发射。
- The heavy cart rumbled down the street. 笨重的马车辘辘地在街上走过。
- Yeah,it's a block away down the street. 近,沿街走一个街区就是。
- The band swung lightly down the street. 那伙人踏著轻快的步伐沿街走去。
- The horses stamped and tore down the street. 那些马惊跑起来,没着大街冲去。
- Yeah, it's a block away down the street. 近,沿街走一个街区就是。
- He rumbled the wagon down the street. 他驾着大篷车辘辘行驶在街上。
- On leaden feet he made his way down the stairs. 他拖着沉重的双腿走下楼去。
- The procession made its way down the hill. 队伍走下山了。
- The children streaked off (down the street) as fast as they could. 孩子们拼命地(沿街)飞跑。
- The car honked its way down the road. 汽车响着喇叭冲下了马路。