- J2EE应用服务器安全服务体系的分析与实现Analysis and Implementation of J2EE Application Server Security Service
- 应用application
- 服务器server
- J2EE应用服务器J2EE application server
- 应用程序application
- 本文提出在J2EE应用服务器EJB容器中基于JAAS安全机制的一种实现方式。This paper proposed a method to realize JAAS based security for the EJB container of J2EE application server.
- 应用软件application software
- J2EE应用程序J2EE application
- 该框架实现了应用组件与EIS资源以及J2EE应用服务器与EIS资源之间的统一连接;First, we accomplish a unified connection between the application components, J2EE application servers and EIS .
- 通常由此应用程序显式地管理本地事务,或由J2EE应用程序服务器自动管理。Local transactions are typically managed explicitly by the application or automatically by the J2EE application server.
- Jaap定义为一个J2EE应用服务器开源项目,实质上是一组服务和工具的软件包。The Jaap is a J2EE open source project, including a group of software packages of services and tool kits.
- 但他估计,今年使用应用服务器的用户的百分比将近翻一番。But he estimates that the percentage of users with application servers will nearly double this year.
- Web应用服务器Web application server
- ACS应用服务器ACS application server
- JBoss 是一个开放源码的 J2EE 应用服务器,利用 JBoss 可以部署廉价的应用系统。JBoss is a fully-featured open source applicationserver based on J2EE, which can be utilized to deploy application system at low cost.
- 应用服务器进程application server process
- 应用服务器软件application server software
- Jboss应用服务器Jboss Application Server
- 集成基础结构中应用服务器及其在建模设计阶段仿真功能的研究Study on Business Services of IIS/CIM-OSA and its Simulation Function in Modelling and Design for CIMS
- J2EE应用服务器架构设计和EJB容器的实现The Design of J2EE Application Server Architecture and the Implementation of EJB Container