- Java协处理器java coprocessor
- TCAM协处理器TCAM co-orocessor
- 8087协处理器8087 math coprocessor
- 此外,还可以使用安全的媒介协处理器设计获取性能和安全性的提升。As well, secure media co-processor designs can be used to deliver performance and security benefits.
- 协处理器coprocessor
- 协处理器结构Coprocessor architecture
- 实时Java处理器real-time java processor
- 用于保障媒介协处理器设计安全的硬件IP核心Hardware IP Cores to secure media co-processor designs
- Java优化处理器Java optimization processors
- 性接触的渴望协迫性太强,使得人常不顾一切冒死投入,罔顾名誉。So strong and impelling is the desire for sexual contact that men freely run the risk of life and reputation to indulge it.
- 办公室的微机与总部的中央处理器相互联结。The office micro interface with the mainframe in the head office.
- RSA协处理器RSA coprocessor
- 与处理器结构相关库代码被放在arch/*/lib/目录下。The architecture specific library code can be found in arch/*/lib/.
- 并协性complementarity
- 协从犯coerced accomplice
- 音协Association of Musicians
- 协句Xie sentence
- 协饷Xiexiang
- 协高coordination
- 协萃synergistic extraction