- Knight不确定性Knight uncertainty
- 很容易证明,对于指数衰减来说,寿命的不确定性也是z。It is easy to show, for an exponential decay, that the uncertainty in the life time is also z.
- 不可逆性和不确定性对湿地环境政策实施时机选择的影响The Influence of Irreversibility and Uncertainty on the Timing of Wetland Environmental Policy
- 社会转型期大学生道德的不确定性及其对德育工作的影响The Uncertainty of the Morality of the College Students in Social Transformation and Its Impact upon Moral Education
- 这些图片强调了城市的不确定性,以及现实的虚幻性,于是就反对了过于简单化地承认现实。While stressing the dubious aspect of the cities and the illusory side of reality, these images also oppose a simplistic recognition of reality.
- 对过去和将来全球变暖的反应:由人为引起气候变化的不确定性Responsibility for Past and Future Global Warming: Uncertainties in Attributing Anthropogenic Climate Change
- 不确定性和混乱在公司里开始发生。Uncertainty and confusion began to exist in the company.
- 这又产生了气候变化的另一不确定性:经济学。That brings up the other great uncertainty about climate change: the economics.
- 大量研究报告了不确定性的处理方法。A great number of studies report on the treatment of uncertainties.
- 动量的不确定性与位置的不确定性是并协的。The uncertainty of the momentum and the uncertainty of the position are complementary.
- 鱼雷电磁引信作用距离不确定性分析Analysis of action range uncertainty of torpedo electromagnetic fuze
- 2006年概算的可比性,同时也因为提前太久对费用做出预测具有不确定性。And because of the uncertainties surrounding projections of costs that far in advance.
- 同异反网络计划的不确定性分类与分析The Classifying Method of Uncertainty and Analysis in the Network Planning Based on the IDC Connection Number
- 偶然性取决于机会的情形; 不确定性The condition of being dependent on chance; uncertainty.
- 可能的可能但又有不确定性的; 可能的Liable to occur but not with certainty; possible.
- 不确定性边界问题的预网格剖分边界拟合方法Method of fitting boundary with pre-meshed grid lines for undefined boundary problems
- 不确定性对资本项目投资决策的影响Effect of Uncertainty on Capital-Investment Decision
- 消除不确定性因素,提高持续经营能力Eliminate the uncertain factors to improve the ability of going concern
- 边坡稳定的不确定性研究现状与展望Existing condition on uncertainty research of stability of side slope and expectation