- K-L变换K-L transform
- K-L变换BPK-L transform
- 离散K.L变换discrete K-L transformation
- 变换vary
- 核最优K-L变换kernel K-L transformation
- L变换L transform
- 广义K-L变换generalized K-L transform
- 变换的transpositional
- 变换器convertor
- K-L变换在地震资料去噪声的应用Application of K-L transformation to the noise attenuation in geological data
- 傅里叶变换Fourier transformation
- 基于改进的广义K-L变换的掌纹识别Study on palm print recognition based on improved generalized K-L transform
- 小波变换wavelet transformation
- 他根据情况,变换治疗方法。He varies the treatment according to circumstances.
- 积分变换integral transform
- 坐标变换transformation of coordinates
- 傅立叶变换Fourier
- K-L变换在多光谱图像聚类中的应用Application of K-L transformation in multispectral image clustering
- 复变函数与积分变换Functions of Complex Variables & Integral Transformation
- 线性变换linear transform