- Lagrange型插值Lagrange type interpolationt
- 投影型插值projection interpolation
- Thiele型插值Thiele's interpolation
- 值value
- Lagrange型有限元Lagrange type finite element
- 椭圆山型插值ellipse terraininterpolation
- RLW方程的Lagrange型二次广义差分法和双孤立波碰撞过程的数值模拟The Generalized Difference Method of 2nd-Order Lagrange Type for RLW Equations and Numerical Imitation of the Collision of Two Solitary Waves
- 超值overflow
- U型插板U-type flash board
- 插值interpolation
- U型插板连接U-type flash board
- 本文对美国学者Alfonso G. Azpeitia给出的带Lagrange型余项的Taylor中值定理“中间点”渐近性定理进行了推广,解决了范围广泛的该中值定理“中间点”渐近性的问题。The theorem on asymptotic behavior of the "mid-point" in Taylor mean value theorem involving the Lagrange remainder given by Alfonso G. Azpeitia having been generalized in this technique, the problem of asymptotic behavior of the "mid-point" in the theorem is solved to a great extent.
- 香蕉型插塞尖banana tip
- 艾米插值Hermite
- 艾特肯插值aitken interpolation
- 表的插值tabular interpolation
- 艾特肯插值法Aitken's method of interpolation
- 比例插值interpolation by proportional parts
- 艾特肯插值公式aitken interpolation formula
- 内插值interpolate value