- Logistic满映射full logistic mapping
- 满packed
- 满屋houseful
- 满天all over the sky
- 字符映射表character map
- 不满的grouchy
- Logistic映射Logistic map
- 满的topful
- 铺满overspread
- 端口映射port mapping
- 塞满bung up
- 复合Logistic映射compound Logistic map
- 摆满chockablock
- Logistic映射跳频序列Frequency-Hopping Sequences by the Logistic Map
- 满负荷full load
- 满口mouthful
- 长满overgrow
- 满地all over the place
- 基于Logistic函数映射与神经网络的地址码相位捕捉检测方法Phase Acquisition Method of Address Code Based on Logistic-Map and Neural Network
- 满溢brim over with