- MOS管驱动电路driving circuit of MOSFET
- 文摘:设计了一种新颖的基于UC3842芯片的功率开关器件驱动电路,此电路可以工作在任意占空比,具有高性能、低成本、保护功能强等优点,适用于功率开关器件MOSFET、GTR、IGBT的单管驱动。Abstract: A novel driving circuit based on the UC3842 chip is introduced.The driving circuit can work at any duty ratio.It has some advantages,shch as high performence,low cost,strong protection function ect.This driving circuit can be used for single power switching device of MOSFET,GTR,IGBT etc.
- 累积型MOS管accumulation MOS
- 驱动to drive
- 驱动电路/集成门极换流晶闸管drive circuit / integrated gate commutation thyristor
- 基于MOS管PDE模型的RF电路瞬态包络仿真算法分析Envelope Simulation Transient Algorithm Analysis of RF Circuit Based on PDE Model of MOS Transistor
- 驱动程序drivers
- 闸流管驱动thyratron drive
- 模拟电路mimic channel
- 闸流管驱动系统thyratron-rectifier drive system
- 微机控制电路digital controlled circuit with microcomputer
- 该电路不采用平衡结构,但MOS管的非线性的消除程度则等同平衡结构,灵敏度也较低。It achieves MOS non-linearity cancellation and does not require the use of fully balanced structure. The paseband sensitivity is rather low.
- 串联逆变电路serial inverting circuit
- 本文介绍了从 MOS管的逻辑形式出发用互补对及广义互补的方法揭示 CMOS逻辑电路实质的内容以供参考之用In this article, it is started from the logic form of the MOS tube, then using the complementary pair and the general complementarity to reveal the essential of the CMOS logic circuit more visually.
- 多位数、大尺寸、高亮度、低成本LED数码管驱动电路的设计Drivers Circuit Design of the Number LED Display That Have Multi-digits, Big Sizes, High Brightness and Low Prices
- 无抗电路,nonreactive circuit
- 数据输出电路在电源电压升高而温度很低的情况下,MOS管工作速度快,会使输出信号变化率过大而产生许多干扰信号.In data output circuit, the MOS transistor works at a high speed when the supply voltage increases in low temperature. Then the variety speed of the output signal is so high that many disturbing signals are aroused.
- UPQC电路UPQC circuit
- 驱动电路drive circuit
- Z扫描电路Z scanning circuit