- 扫描scan
- 通过正常颅脑ct扫描图像,对枕骨蛛网膜颗粒压迹进行研究。To study the depression of occipital arachnoid granulation by normal CT scans.
- X-CT扫描X-CT scanning
- 头CT扫描Brain CT Scans
- 螺旋CT扫描Spiral CT scan
- 增强CT扫描Increase CT scan
- 横断位CT扫描conventional CT
- 低剂量CT扫描Low-dose CT scanning
- Micro-CT扫描Micro- CT scanning
- 多层螺旋CT扫描CT scan
- CT扫描图像处理CT scanning image processing
- 肾上腺CT扫描技术The Technique of CT Scan for Adrenal
- 髋臼骨折CT扫描分型的临床意义A Clinical Significance of the Grouping on CT Scans of Acetabular Fractures
- 侧卧位头后仰鼻骨冠状位CT扫描方法Coronal CT Scan of Nasal Bone by Posterior Supine of the Head on Lateral Position
- 视神经管的CT扫描技术CT scanning technique of the optic canal
- 膝关节损伤的CT扫描CT of the Knee Joint Injuries
- 副鼻窦最佳CT扫描技术Optimization of Techniques in Screening CT of the Paranasal Sinuses
- 儿童头颅CT扫描的防护Radiation prevention for head CT scan in children
- 胸部CT扫描在肋骨骨折诊断中的作用Role of thoracic CT scans in the diagnosis of costal fracture
- CT扫描的岩心分析精度Accuracy of CT core analysis