- Newton插值公式Newton insert equation
- 二元Newton插值公式bivariate Newton interpolation formula
- Newton插值法Newton Interpolation
- Newton插值多项式Newton interpolation formula
- Newton插值Newton interpolation
- 值value
- Newton型插值公式Newton-form interpolation formula
- 牛顿插值公式在模具数控编程计算中的应用Application of Newton Value Insertion Formular in Programming Calculation for NC Machining or Mould
- 基于拉格朗日插值公式的数字水印分存算法Digital Watermarking Sharing Algorithm Based on Lagrange Interpolation Formula
- 对波莱尔改进拉格朗日插值公式思想方法的研究Research on Emile Borel's Work on Improving Lagrange Interpolation Polynomial
- Newton-like插值Newton-like interpolation
- 艾米插值Hermite
- 艾特肯插值aitken interpolation
- 表的插值tabular interpolation
- 艾特肯插值法Aitken's method of interpolation
- 比例插值interpolation by proportional parts
- 艾特肯插值公式aitken interpolation formula
- 内插值interpolate value
- 比例插值法interpolation by proportional parts
- 指数插值exponential interpolation