- PC梁PC beam
- 轻轨PC梁light track PC-beam
- 港深西部通道PC梁钢筋施工设计Steel Construction Design of PC Segment in HSWC
- 港深西部通道后海湾高架引桥PC梁短线法预制模具设计Design of Formwork for PC Girders Precast by Short-Line Match Method of Hau Hoi Wan Elevated Approach Bridge, Hongkong-Shenzhen Western Corridor
- 横梁,顶梁水平的或横向的梁,尤指架在两个支柱上的建筑构件A horizontal or transverse beam, especially a structural member resting on two supports.
- 木楼梯侧板,木楼梯小梁在阶梯两边支撑楼梯的踏板和竖板的有凹口的木板A notched board at either side of a staircase that supports the treads and risers.
- 醇溶高梁蛋白prolamine from sorghum
- 梁腹web
- 甜高梁sorgo
- 支承路面层梁腋road deck haunch
- H形梁H beam
- T型梁T beam
- X形梁X-member
- 梁构桁架girder truss
- 安顶梁crossbaring
- 纵梁成为栏杆的一部分。The longitudinal girder forms part of the parapets.
- 缓冲梁托架bumper bracket
- 梁底标高Beam bottom elevation
- 枕木横放在铁路基上以固定铁轨的梁中的一根,通常为木制One of the beams, usually made of wood, that are laid across a railroad bed to secure the rails.
- 安装托梁joist