- PVX病毒载体potato virus X vector
- 病毒virus
- 急性早幼粒性白血病基因重组逆转录病毒载体构建及表达Construction and Identification of recombinant retrovirus vector expressing human promyelocytic leukemia gene
- 构建细菌内同源重组型hTERT调控区反义RNA腺病毒载体。Construction of antisense RNA expression vector of the regulation region of hTERT using the adnovirus system by homorecombination in E. Coli.
- 重组腺相关病毒载体在大鼠海马内转导特征及其细胞亲嗜性Gene Transfer Efficiencies and Cell Tropism of Recombinant Adeno-associated Virus in the Hippocampus of Adult Rat
- α病毒载体α-virus vector
- 腺病毒载体adenovirus vector
- 慢病毒载体lentiviral vector
- DNA病毒载体DNA viral vector
- EB病毒载体EB vetor; Epstein-Barr vetor; Epstein-Barr(EB)vetor
- 非病毒载体Nonviral vector
- 隧病毒载体lentivirus vector
- 甲病毒载体Chicken Interleukin -18
- RNA病毒载体RNA viral vectors
- 杂合病毒载体hybrid vectors
- 仙台病毒载体sendai virus vector
- 多瘤病毒载体polyomavirus vector
- 转录病毒载体retrovirus
- 嵌合病毒载体chimeric vectors