- Pell多项式Pell Polynomials
- Pell数Pell numbers
- Pell方程Pell equation
- pell议程Pell equation
- Pell级数Pell series
- 次数多项式或多项式方程中变量的幂的最大数The greatest sum of the exponents of the variables in a term of a polynomial or polynomial equation.
- Pell方程组Pell equations
- 多项式平差polynomial adjustment
- Pell方程理论the theory of Equation
- Z-多项式Z- polynomial
- 联立Pell方程Simultaneous Pell equations
- 链多项式chain polynomial
- 联立Pell方程组Simultaneous Pell equations
- 多项式基polynomial basis
- 广义伴随Pell数列的平方类Square Classes of Generalized Companion Pell Sequences
- 多项式域finite field
- 关于Pell方程最小解的若干定理Some Theorems about Minimum Solutions of Pell Equation
- 多项式核polynomial kernel
- 一类Pell方程最小解的计算公式Calculating Formulas for the Minimal Solution of a Type of Pell Equation
- 正多项式positive polynomials