- Piu' caldi baci avra'. 用酒湿润嘴唇!
- Questa fiamma staria senza piu scosse. 追问行踪也将变得更加了无相干。
- Mi scusi, dov`e l`ufficio postale piu vicino? 请问,最近的邮局在哪儿?
- E tu dunque non apri piu' bocca? 而你何以反而不再开口了呢?
- A:Quale stagione ti piace di piu? 那个季节你更喜欢?
- I fake 2 b a coach one more time, and said 2 them that PIU is cool. 我教了下她们怎么玩;顺便给她们说PIU好玩.
- Potrebbe dirle di chiamare Rocco il piu' presto possibile? 能不能请她尽快打电话罗格?
- Vniamoci per riportare delle vittorie ancora piu grangi! 团结起来,争取更大的胜利。
- Bouton de rose, Margherita Ovi, Les 100 ciels, Armand Baci, Aquilano. Rimondi,Fly Now, Tim Van Steenbergen, 巧妙的搭配组合在一起。
- No, signore.Per gli assegni c`e piu avanti lo sportello numero sei. 不是,先生,兑现支票在前面的六号窗口。
- Questionnaire was used in fields to investigate influential factors on PIU. 大学生是社会中一个特殊的群体,是社会建设的高级人才。
- Sai tu come mai gli abiti tuoi sono caldi quando la terra s’assopisce sotto il soffio dello scirocco? 密云怎样浮于空中,那知识全备者奇妙的作为,你知道吗?
- The growth pattern of transketolase-deficient mutant Baci llus Pumilus and the production of D-ribose was observed . 在研究D-核糖发酵过程中发现,培养基中玉米浆的含量直接影响着菌体的形态及D-核糖产量。
- The system fits the MIL-STD-1553B interface, made up of PIU, CDU, dual DTD connected with 1553B bus. 这种系统可以与MIL-STD-1553B接口匹配,由处理机接口装置(PIU)、控制显示装置(CDU)和双套与1553B数据总线联接的数据传输装置(DTD)构成。
- Therefore,multiple cares and psychological support should be given to help the students get rid of the PIU. 本文就湖南省部分高校大学生病理性互联网使用的影响因素进行分析。
- The finding indicated that there was no influence of demographic factors on the pathological Internet use (PIU) of adolescents. 研究发现不同时间定向可以通过不同人际捲入变量预测青少年的病理性互联网使用。
- The inhibition of PEU and excitation of PIU in n. parafasicularis might reflect the analgesic effect of acupuncture at thalamic level. 针刺镇痛可能与束旁核内痛兴奋神经元兴奋过程减弱,痛抑制神经元兴奋过程加强有关。
- Furthermore, the curve of problem-solving would ascent with descent of the score of PIU, and the curve of fantasy and abreaction would drop with descent of the score of PIU. 问题解决分数随PIU分数降低而上升 ,而幻想与发泄二种应对方式随PIU分数降低而降低。 问题解决、幻想与发泄在不同PIU分组间的差异显著。
- The orientation of time perspective, however, could predict PIU, with the interpersonal involvement, of parents and peer, playing different mediating effect respectively. 研究指出,重视不同人际卷人变量(如积极同伴卷人与适度父母捲入)对于青少年病理性互联网使用的中介作用,可能有利于青少年更好受益于互联网使用。
- In contrast, the other 33 units responded to noxious stimuli in a quite different way which was manifested by a decrease in discharge frequency (pain-inhibition unit, PIU). 对伤害性刺激出现抑制效应的单位33个(痛抑制单位)。注射杜冷丁对此种抑制效应有解除作用。