- Protaper机用镍钛器械在前牙根管预备中的应用Clinical Application of Protaper NiTi Rotary Instruments in Root Canal Preparation of Prior Teeth
- ProTaper机用镍钛器械ProTaper nickel-titanium instrument
- 机用镍钛器械rotary NiTi-instruments
- ProTaper机用镍钛锉ProTaper nickel-titanium rotary instruments
- 手用镍钛器械ProTaper根管预备系统Hand-use ProTaper
- 机用镍钛器械预备清理根管效果的定量分析Comparison of cleaning efficiency of ProFile rotary, Ni-Ti rotary, and SS manual endodontic instruments in curved root canals
- 常用in common usage
- 脱机off-line
- 不用need not
- 镍钛器械nickel-titanium instruments
- 热交换器用镍铬铁合金无缝管Seamless nickel-chromium-iron alloy heat exchanger tubes
- 纯水机用上本器后提高RO膜使用寿命,过滤器不结水垢。The aircraft used for water increased from RO membrane life, the non-furring filters.
- ProTaper手动镍钛锉hand- used Ni- Ti ProTaper instrument
- 机用锯machine saw
- 牙用镍铬烤瓷铸造合金的Ames试验研究Study on the Ni-Cr casting alloy used for porcelain in Ames test
- 机用钻头machine bit
- 机用唱针needle for record player
- 镍钛根管预备器械nickel- titanium instruments
- 机用螺丝machine screw
- 镍钛记忆合金骨科器械的基础研究及在手外科应用进展Biomechanic studies of Nitinol orthopedic instruments and their clinical applications in hand surgery