- 反向路径转发技术的QoS组播路由扩展Extension of Reverse Path Forwarding to QoS Multicast Routing
- 分布式多路径QoS组播路由算法与协议研究Studies on Distributed and Multi-Path QoS Multicast Routing Algorithms and Protocols
- QoS组播路由QoS multicast routing
- 基于代理的QoS组播路由算法An Agent-based QoS Dependent Multicast Routing Algorithm
- 一种基于佳点集遗传算法的QoS组播路由选择方法A QoS Multicast Routing Approach with Good Point Set Based Genetic Algorithm
- QoS组播QoS multicast
- 组播路由协议multicast routing protocol
- 多播路由的超图法Hypergraph Method in Clustering Multicasting Routing in Ad Hoc Networks
- 这条路由湖边向西延伸。The road ranges westward from the lake.
- UDP组播User Datagram Protocol multicast
- WDM组播WDM multicast
- 服务质量单播路由QoS unicast routing
- QoS自适应路由adaptive QoS routing
- 一种Linux下多播路由MIB的实现An Implementation of Multicast Routing MIB on Linux
- 面向应用的复制服务器动态组播选路算法Dynamic Application-Oriented Allocating Algorithm for Replicated Multicast Servers
- 与此相反,传统的IP路由技术不能保证QoS。Traditional IP routing technology, in contrast, cannot guarantee QoS.
- 首先,改进了DSR 动态源路由协议使其支持QoS 要求。Firstly, dynamic source routing (DSR) is modified to support the QoS requirement.
- 路由组routing group
- 路由组的角色The role of routing groups
- 前置路由组是路由组B。The predecessor is routing group B.