- Rh型和亚[血]型Rh types and subtypes
- Rh型和亚血型Rh types and subtypes
- Rh型和亚型Rh types and subtypes
- Rh[血]型和亚[血]型Rh types and subtypes
- Rh型Rh group
- 抗Rh型血清anti-Rh typing serum
- 力竭运动对力量型和耐力型少年运动员血中内皮素和一氧化氮的影响The Influence of Exhaustive Exercise on ET and NO in the Blood of Strength-type and Endurance-type Young Athletes
- 建筑物由于自身外型和用途,导致相当多热量产生的地方。Where the type of building and usage thereof involves considerable heat gains
- Rh血型和亚[血]型Rh types and subtypes
- 天然卫生杀虫剂灭害霸A型和B型对蟑螂、蚂蚁的防治效果Effects of Natural Hygienic Insecticide Miehaiba A and B on Preventing Cockroaches and Ants
- 太平洋三海区热液硫化物中黄铁矿的形态标型和矿物标型特征研究Morphological and Mineral Standard Type Characteristics of Hydrothermal Sulfide in Three Areas of the Pacific Ocean
- 中西医结合治疗肝豆状核变性疗效与临床表型和ATP7B基因突变的关系Curative Effect of TCM-WM Therapy on Wilson Disease with Different Clinical Phenotypes and Polymorphisms of ATP7B Gene
- 亚速尔型和夏威夷型洋岛oceanic islands of Azores-type and Hawaii-type
- 家族性高脂蛋白血症I型和V型lipoprotein lipase deficiency, familial
- 结肠腺瘤性息肉基因的突变是家族型和散发型结肠癌的发生中危险的基因事件。APC gene mutation is a critical genetic event in both the familial and sporadic forms of colorectal tumorigenesis.
- 绝缘子串元件槽型和扁脚连接的尺寸Dimensions of clevis and tongue couplings of string insulator units
- 化学调控对海岛棉株型和产量的影响Effects of chemical regulation on the plant type and yield of sea island cotton
- 慢性前列腺炎的中医分型和综合治疗Traditional Chinese medicine typing and complex treatment about chronic prostatitis
- 提升机有电动葫芦型和液压升降平台型。Equipped with stair and doods elerator.
- 联体式综合环境试验箱的选型和应用Selection and application of combined integrated environmental test chamber