- S1基因高变区IS1 gene hypervariable region I
- 体外传代HIV-1包膜基因高变区变异性研究A Study on Variation of Hypervariable Regions of HIV- 1 Env gene in vitro
- 基因高变区gene hypervariable region
- 区district
- VP2基因高变区hypervariable region of VP2
- S1基因S1 gene
- 肾型禽传染性支气管炎病毒(IBV)Z株S1基因的结构与变异Structural Analysis of the S1 Gene of Nephropathogenic IBV Strain Z
- 不变的unchangeable
- 区号district number
- 变小lessening
- 基因高表达Over-expression
- 变大fill out
- 保持不变hold the line
- 鸡传染性支气管炎病毒M41及疫苗株H52,H120 S1基因的克隆与序列测定Sequencing and Homology Analysis for the S1 Gene of IBV Strain M41,H120 and H52
- 参考GeneBank中ARV-S1133株S1基因序列设计一对测序引物,一对诊断引物。According to the published S1 gene sequence of ARV-S1133 strain in GeneBank,two pairs of primer were designed,one is sequencing primer,the other is diagnostic primer.
- 皮肤黑素细胞酪氨酸酶基因高表达模型的研究Effect of ultraviolet ray and endothelin on melanin content and TYR mRNA expression of melanocytes
- 包括高变区的E2蛋白含有中和性抗原表位,能诱导机体产生中和性抗体。E2 protein, including hypervariable region 1 (HVR1) in the N-terminal region, contains some epitopes that can induce neutralizing antibodies.
- 而以MDRV89026株S1基因的特异引物HP11、HP12进行RT PCR扩增,只能从MW9710等分离毒株中扩增出特异性条带。Moreover, the viral genome of MW9710 strain could be amplified only with the primers specific for S1 gene of MDRV, but not with the primers specific for S1 gene of ARV by RT-PCR.
- 5-脱氧杂氮胞苷诱导肝癌细胞株p16基因高表达Over expression of p16 gene induced by 5-Aza-cdR in hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines
- 塑变区yield zone