- Most sovereign wealth funds are tied to money from oil exports. 绝大多数主权财富基金与石油出口资金相关联。
- Sovereign wealth funds are estimated to hold more than two trillion dollars. 据估计,主权财富基金拥有的资金超过2万亿美元。
- Then Beijing's sovereign wealth fund got suckered by Wall Street sharpies. 北京主权财富基金被华尔街骗子吮吸。
- Minister Yang: Sovereign wealth funds are not new.Actually, several dozen countries have SWF. 杨洁篪:主权财富基金存在非始于今日,现在世界上几十个国家都有主权财富基金。
- The two sides remain committed to open markets for investments, including those from Sovereign Wealth Funds. 双方表示,继续致力于开放包括对主权财富基金在内的投资市场。
- Oil exporters can use sovereign wealth funds to build up reserves of money to protect against a drop in oil prices. 石油出口国可以利用主权财富基金来加大货币储备,以避免石油价格下跌所造成的损失。
- Knowledge@Wharton: A lot of that debt is held by Sovereign Wealth Funds and other foreign interests. Are you concerned about that? 这类债务有许多是由主权财富基金和其他国外利息承担的。你对此表示关心吗?
- Ren and Andreopoulos said, had been affected by the financial crisis, sovereign wealth funds will be withdrawn or planned capital investment. 上述亏损预测是基于主权财富基金平均投资占比为:债券占25%25,股票以及替代投资分别为45%25和30%25。
- It is thought that the government was considering measures to deal with sovereign wealth funds in advance of Chinalco's move. 据悉,在中铝入股力拓之前,澳大利亚政府就在考虑采取措施,应对主权财富基金。
- First, the People's Bank of China is transferring funds to China Investment Corp, the fledgeling sovereign wealth fund with a $200bn kitty. 具体时间尚不确定,但经济学家估计,其中多达1000亿美元可能已于第一季度转到中投。
- In a world grown increasingly twitchy about the rise of sovereign wealth funds, the investment is clever in two respects. 在人们对主权财富基金的崛起越来越不安之际,这项投资的聪明之处体现在两个方面。
- But just when Mr Buffett was limbering up to take advantage of the worsening climate, out come sovereign wealth funds to steal his thunder. 无人知晓“奥马哈圣人”是否真的会收购这些主权财富基金所收购的股份。但是,20年前,当所罗门兄弟(SalomonBrothers)需要帮助的时候,它们是向巴菲特求助的。
- Sovereign wealth funds and state investment institutions from the region have bolstered weakened banking sectors in the United States and the Europe. 其他国家的国有财富基金和政府投资机构对美国和欧洲衰退的银行业提供了有利的支撑。
- Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab Emirates, has what experts believe is the world's biggest sovereign wealth fund. 近些年原油价格的增长对那些油生产国非常有益,包括那些有着主权财富基金的国家。
- CIC was only making passive investments in companies and would walk away from countries that were publicly hostile to sovereign wealth funds. 中投只对公司进行被动投资,并会避开那些对主权财富基金公开表示敌意的国家。
- Sovereign wealth funds would benefit international markets by increasing liquidity and by making global resource allocation more efficient, Mr Wei said. 魏本华表示,通过提高流动性和全球资源配置效率,主权财富基金将有助于全球市场。
- The Chinese business presence is increasingly visible and its powerful sovereign wealth funds come bolstering the country’s international presence in the US and Europe. 中国的商业存在越来越明显,而且它强大的主权财富基金支撑中国在美国和欧洲的国际影响力。
- Sovereign wealth funds, pools of investment capital managed by governments, could also play a role, although they typically tend to focus on large targets, according to Chini. 而且,可以借债的公司会享受更优惠的利率,这多亏了美联储在去年的多次降息。
- Traders and mining executives tipped China, Saudi Arabia and Middle Eastern sovereign wealth funds as candidates to snap up the rest of the gold the IMF planned to sell. 交易商和采矿业高管暗示,中国、沙特阿拉伯和中东的主权财富基金有可能抢购国际货币基金组织计划出售的剩余部分黄金。
- GIC, the larger of Singapore's two sovereign wealth funds, said it sold Citigroup shares on the market following the exchange, reducing its stake to under 5 percent. 新加坡政府投资公司--新加坡两个主权财富基金中的较大者,称他们跟随这一变化卖掉了市场上的花旗股份,将其缩减到5%25以下。