- Stein流形上(p,q)型微分形式的Koppelman-Leray公式的拓广The Generalization of Koppelman-Leray Formula of Differential Form of( p,q)-type on Stein Manifold
- Stein流形上(p,q)-形式带权因子的积分表示Integral Representative Formulas with Weight Factors for(p,q)-forms on Stein Manifolds
- Stein流形上Cauchy-Riemann方程的具有权的基本解Fundamental Solutions with Weight Factors of Cauchy-Riemann Equations on Stein Manifolds
- 流形上的偏微分算子partial differential operator on manifold
- 找到了他留在杀人凶器上的指纹印,那意味着他末日来临了。Finding his fingerprints on the murder weapon signed his death warrant.
- 李群流形中的扩散方程Diffusion Equations in Lie Group Manifold
- 马斯洛斯修改帐本上的项目之前良心上有一番短暂的争战。Matthews struggled briefly with his conscience before making the false entries in the accounts book.
- 报纸上的这篇文章是对我私生活的侵扰,这种做法很不光彩。This newspaper article is a disgraceful intrusion into my private life.
- 带权流形Weighted manifold
- 庄稼收益法律上属于土地占有人的土地上的庄稼或出产物The crops or products of the land legally belonging to a tenant.
- 全脐予流形Totally umbilical subnamifolds
- 的确没有一个人可以说这个行星上的生活是单调无聊的。Certainly no one can say that life on this planet is stale and monotonous.
- 近Hermite流形almost Hermitian manifold
- 报纸上的漫画是一种风趣的图画,通常是针对某一件时事的。A newspaper cartoon is an amusing drawing, usually about some event in the news.
- 形上智慧wisdom
- 3-流形的融合an amalgamation of two 3-manifolds
- 这种研究和描写如果是站在无产阶级立场上的,那是应该的。Such study and description are proper if done from a proletarian position.
- 中心流形定理center manifold theory
- 在可扣除税收货物和服务上的消费(与基础建设费用相对)。amounts paid for goods and services that may be currently tax deductible (as opposed to capital expenditures).