- T2加权MR成像T2 weighted MRI
- 重T2加权成像Heavily T2-welghted imaging
- 磁共振T2加权像及质子密度像均显示在右侧顶枕区有一混合强度区域。The MR demonstrates an area of mixed signal intensity on proton density (PD) and T2-weighted (T2) images in a right parietal-occipital region.
- 以下是一个各种组织分别在T1及T2加权像上如何显现的简要介绍。The following tables are a general guide to how tissue appears on T1- or T2- weighted images.
- 磁共振T2加权像T2WI
- SE序列为T_1加权成像(T_1wI); RARE序列为T2加权成像(T_2wI)。The Studies were performed with SE T_1 weighted image(T_1WI) ahd RARE T_2 weighted image (T_2WI)sequence.
- 宽带成像wideband imaging
- 表面成像surface imagery
- 重T2加权灰阶反转成像heavily T2 weighted reversed MR images
- 浅地表成像Subsurface imaging
- 宽带声成像wide-band
- T1-加权T1 -Weighed
- T2截止值T2 cutoff value
- 磁敏感成像Susceptibility weighted imaging
- T2弛豫谱T2 relaxation
- 语词加权word weight
- 表面成像模式Surface mode
- T2谱反演T2 spectrum
- 综合孔径成像Synthesis aperture imaging
- 综合加权评分法Synthetic weighted mark method