- TCP/IP协议簇TCP/IP protocols
- 本文分为四章。 在第一章中对TCP/IP协议簇,DHCP的背景和发展做了基本的概述,同时对Ipv4,Ipv6做了比较。In the first chapter, the back ground and development of TCP/IP protocols suits and DHCP has been introduced, and the comparison between Ipv4 and Ipv6 has been made.
- 协议pact
- 在当今的互联网络世界中,TCP/IP 协议簇已经成为计算机通信的事实标准。In the computer network world, TCP/IP protocols have been the standard in fact.
- 协议簇protocol stack
- 信令传输协议簇signaling transport
- 摘要“虚拟主体”是指以TCP/IP协议为基础在互联网上虚构、假设的网络行为的实施者。"The virtual subject" is the executor of the fictitious or hypothetic network acts on the base of TCP/IP contracts.
- IP协议IP Protocol
- TCP/IP协议栈TCP/IP protocol stack
- 随着基于802.11协议簇无线局域网应用的高速推广,WLAN环境中的定位技术正逐渐成为一个研究热点,然而对于此项技术的研究,大多仅局限于实验室环境。Continuing advances in WiFi technology on IEEE 802.11 protocols lead to widespread studies on WLAN location estimation technology. But most of those researches are limited in laboratory.
- IP协议栈IP protocol stack
- 双IP协议栈dual IP protocol stacks
- 移动IP协议mobile IP protocol
- IKE(Internet Key Exchange)协议是IPSec(IP Security)协议簇的重要协议之一,负责动态协商和管理IPSec SA(Security Association,安全关联)。IKE (Internet Key Exchange) Protocol is one of important protocol of IPSec (IP Security) Cluster which handling dynamic negotiation and administration of IPSec SA (Security Association).
- IP协议第4版IPv4
- IP协议第6版IPv6
- 域特定IP协议RSIP
- tcp/IP协议组TCP/IP protocol suite
- TCP/IP协议TCP/IP protocol
- TCP/IP协议TCP/IP protocol