- 热断层(TTM)Thermal Texture Maps (TTM)
- 热断层成像系统Thermal texture maps
- 热断层成像技术hermal texture maps
- "你看上去很热。" "是的,我的鞋子让人受不了。" "那就把它脱了,不犯法的。""You look hot." "I am, and my shoes are killing me." "Take them off then, there's no law against it."
- X线断层照片tomogram
- [谚]手冷心肠热。A cold hand and a warm heart.
- X线断层照相术tomography
- Q热Q fever
- 雏断层incipient fault
- "热" 系综hot ensemble
- X射线计算机断层成像X-ray computerized tomography
- "热土豆" 式路由选择hot potato routing
- 出露断层Surface fault
- 气热船hovercraft (aircushion vehicle)
- 地幔转换断层mantle transform fault
- B值-热敏电阻器的B value
- 月面断层selenofault
- 热铆铆钉pop-rivet
- 断层下块down faulted block