- Tenon囊创伤修复术Repair of wound of Tenon's capsule
- 眶创伤修复术Repair of orbit wound
- 眼外肌创伤修复术Repair of wound of extraocular muscle
- 眼切除术伴植入物Tenon囊内植入Excision of eye with implant into Tenon's capsule
- 眼外肌腱创伤修复术Repair of wound of extraocular tendon
- 心脏创伤修复术不用分流术Repair of cardiac wound without bypass
- 小鼠皮肤创伤修复中3种细胞因子表达水平对损伤时间的评估Expression levels of 3 cytokines in judging the injury time in the healing process of mouse skin wounds
- 漏斗胸修复术repair of funnel chest
- 创伤修复过程中创缘皮肤细胞因子含量变化与损伤时间的关系Time-related expression of cytokines in skin samples during the wound healing process
- 胃修复术Repair of stomach
- 面修复术facial restoration
- 牙修复术dental prosthesis; dental prosthetic restoration
- 咽修复术Repair of pharynx
- 胰修复术Repair of pancreas
- 腭修复术Repair of palate
- 膈修复术Repair of diaphragm
- 睑修复术Repair of eyelid
- 右半结肠癌致十二指肠手术缺损带血管蒂全层回肠壁修复术Repair of duodenal operatie defect due to infiltration of right hemi -colonic carcinoma with all layers of pedicled ileac flap
- 退缩修复术Repair with recession
- 外耳修复术Repair of external ear