- Three kingdom' Wu bamboos 三国吴简
- Cao Zhi of the State of Wei in the Three Kingdom Period. 魏国的大文豪曹植。
- Zhou Yu was a brave general of the Wu Kingdom in the period of the three Kingdoms. 周瑜是三国时期吴国的一名枭将。
- Lv Meng was a general of Wu during the Three Kingdoms Period (220-180). 三国时期(220-280),吴国有一个叫吕蒙的将军。
- She asked what I was reading. Did I know the Romance of Three Kingdom? 她问我读的什么小说,读没读过《三国演义》?
- The Battle of the Red Cliffs determined the triangular balance of power of the three kingdoms, Wei, Shu and Wu. 赤壁之战决定了魏、蜀、吴三国鼎足之势。
- Three Kingdoms of Shu Han dynasty establishment. 蜀汉王朝的建立者。
- D. 428, Emperor Wu of the Song Dynasty ordered Peisongzhi to make notes for Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms. 元嘉五年(428年),宋文帝下诏命裴氏注《三国志》,上呈,文帝赞其为不朽之作。
- In the three kingdom period, Zhuge Liang lived in seclusion in a thatched cottage. 三国时,诸葛亮住在隆中的茅庐里,刘备听说诸葛亮很有本事,又有学识。
- So,Wu fell,too.After a decade,the three kingdoms,Wei,Shu and Wu,were united by Sima Yan.There was no final victor. 这样,吴国也灭亡了。魏、蜀、吴三个国家,在打了几十年之后,谁也没有取得最后的胜利,而是让司马炎统一了全国。
- During the Period of Three Kingdoms, Sun Quan ruled Wu, which was called the area of Jiangdong at that time. 三国时期江东的吴国是孙权统治的。
- the Wu Bamboo -slips of Zoumalou 走马楼吴简
- The age of civil wars and disunity began with the era of the Three Kingdoms (Wei, Shu, and Wu, which had overlapping reigns during the period A. 混战和分裂的时代以三国为开端(魏蜀吴三国鼎立于公元前220年至80年)。
- It's a drama adapted from one episode in the classic Legend of Three Kingdom,in which we add some drance and western classical music element to make it appealing. 这是由古典名著三国演义的一个情节改编而来的话剧,为了使它更吸引人,我们在其中加入了舞蹈和西方的经典音乐元素。
- Chinese Three Kingdoms time renowned strategist, statesman. 中国三国时期著名的军事家、政治家。
- As early as the Three Kingdom Period, YuanShao, a famous duke, once had millions of solders stationed in Jizhou City in order to fight Caocao, another famous duke. 三国时期袁绍曾于冀州屯兵百万与曹操抗衡,西汉大哲学家、儒家学派一代宗师董仲舒就生于衡水景县。
- Tianyou handknitten silk carpets,produced in Nanyang Henan Province,the hometown of Zhu GE-li -ang,a famous strategist in the Three kingdom Period,are made from natural materials. 相关简介: 天有手工真丝地毯产自河南南阳--三国时代著名军事家诸葛亮的家乡,全部由桑蚕丝手工制成。
- In 208, he led the Wu army in handing Cao Cao's army a massive defeat in the Battle of Chibi, thereby establishing the balance of power for the existence of all three kingdoms. 建安十三年(208年)曹操率军南下试图统一全国,周瑜亲率吴军大破曹军于赤壁。以少胜多,以弱胜强,奠定了吴、蜀、魏三国鼎立的局面。
- As the three kingdoms were all developing, China was stable. 在接下来的几年里,魏、蜀、吴三国各自发展,天下比较安定。
- Chengdu was the capital of Shu during the Three Kingdoms. 成都是三国时期蜀国的首都。