- 免疫介导性TINImmunologic mediated T.I.N.
- TiN颗粒TiN particles
- CLU_O = 只对群集路由CLU_O = cluster only routing
- TIN模型TIN model
- O-r隔离Os-r unconnectedness
- Ni/TiNNi/TiN
- 失控的通货膨胀加深了工薪阶层的痛苦(埃德温O.赖肖尔)Runaway inflation further plagued the wage - or salary - earner(Edwin O.Reischauer)
- TiN渗镀层TiN coating
- TiN/AlNTiN/AlN
- 番红花红Osafranine O
- 多层TIN面multi - level TIN surface
- A2/O工艺A/A/O process
- I/O扩展I/O expansion
- TiN陶瓷涂层TiN cermets coating
- 智能I/OIntelligent I/O(I20)
- TiN涂层刀具TiN coat cutter
- 研究了W/O型聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)胶乳在水中的凉阻性能。Drag reduction with W/O polyacrylamide latex(PAM)in water was studied in thispaper.
- 单向约束TINUnilateralism TIN
- 多分辨率TINmultiresolution TIN
- O/W乳状液O/W emulsion