- 我的伙伴当中绝大多数都知道飞机的基础知识和飞机是如何工作的。Most of my buddies know about the basic aircraft and how it should work.
- 用表2作为指南,您可以分析发行版本中的不同源代码文件,了解它们是如何工作的。Using Table 2 as your guide, you can examine the various source code files in the distribution to see how things work.
- 如果您与网络连接,还可以使用任务管理器查看网络状态以及查看您的网络是如何工作的。If you are connected to a network, you can also use Task Manager to view network status and see how your network is functioning.
- 它是如何工作的?How it works?
- 既要照顾家庭又要全天工作,我不知道她是如何对付的。I don't know how she copes with looking after her family and doing a full-time job.
- VOIP是如何工作的?How VOIP works?
- 它们是如何工作的?How they work?
- 爱因斯坦是第一位从理论上说明原子能量是如何释放的。Einstein was the fast to show in theory how the energy of the atom might be released.
- 判决是如何形成的--乡土社会语境中的法官判决模式研究How is a Judgment made? --The Study of the Mode of Judicial Judgment in the Context of Country
- 下面是它如何工作的详细描述。The following is a detailed description of how it works.
- 在人类史上,婚姻是怎么出现的,女人是如何变得屈服的?In human history, how did marriage evolve, and the subjugation of women?
- 有关Person标签及其如何工作的更详细的信息,请参阅For more complete information on the Person tag and how it works, refer to the documentation provided in the
- 现在看来,普及问题比较容易解决,比较难的是如何提高。Making education universal seems easy,but raising educational standards is difficult.
- 用于查看您的电脑如何工作以及电脑正在运行哪些进程。See how your computer is performing and which processes it's running.
- 我们是如何开展企业专利工作的The Way We Cary out Patent Services for Enterprises
- 你可记得我们夺回冠军那天晚上,我们是如何欢宴作乐的吗?Do you re member how we pushed the boat out the night that we won back the championship?
- 你是如何看待那些经常换工作的人的?What do you think of those who keep changing their jobs?
- 那本书使我非常入迷,以致使我忘记了时间是如何过的。That book so fascinated me that I forgot how the time was going .
- 在谈到他是如何度过自己的假期时,他的话前言不对后语。He gave a rather disjointed account of his holiday.