- WLAN发现机制WLAN discovery scheme
- 基于收节点的冲突发现机制a receiverbased conflict detecting mechanism
- 计算网格的资源分发和发现机制The Mechanism of Resource Dissemination and Resource Discovery for Computational Grid
- 本主题显示如何设置前两个发现机制。This topic shows how to set up the first two of these discovery mechanisms.
- 独立服务发现机制service discovery mechanism(SDM)
- 一种面向消费者的服务发现机制A Consumer-Oriented Mechanism for Discovering Services
- WLAN通信WLAN communction
- 基于对等体组的Web服务发现机制A Web Service Discovery Mechanism Based on Peer Group
- 网格环境中分层次哈希表资源发现机制Level hash table resource discovery mechanism in the grid environment
- 再发现rediscover
- 警察搜捕时发现了毒品。The police found the dope when they made the pinch.
- 律师发现了有关此案件的新证据。The lawyer unearthed some new evidence concerning the case.
- 狗发现了一只老鼠。The dog has nosed out a rat.
- 彻底地调查事实后发现情况正好相反。An exhaustive investigation of the facts proves the contrary.
- 我发现一只走失的猫在门口叫。I found a stray cat crying at the door.
- "其目的是从工作中发现意义,找到乐趣。"The aim is to find meaning and enjoyment in work.
- 哥伦布报告说他发现了新大陆。Columbus reported back that he had discovered a new continent.
- 维拉发现右乳有一肿块。Vera found a lump in her right breast.
- 他发现自己已处于困境。He found himself in a sad pickle.
- 发现了最大的钻石了吗?Has the ultimate diamond been found?