- Web服务安全性语言WS-security
- 请了解即将出现的Web服务安全性协议的工作原理请在See how the upcoming Web services security protocols work - read the WS-Security Profile for XML-based Tokens
- 新兴的Web服务安全性规范的出现使您能够将Web服务用作安全性实用程序。Emerging Web services security specifications enable you to use Web services as security utilities.
- 服务安全性策略语言Web Services Security Policy Language, WS-SecurityPolicy
- Web服务编排描述语言WS-CDL
- 增值服务value added service
- 语言使思想具体化。Language externalizes thought.
- Web服务器Web server
- 这部小说已译成多种语言。The novel has been translated into many languages.
- 优质的服务quality services
- 语言是表达思想的工具。Language is the vehicle of thought.
- 志愿服务voluntary service
- 他对我们的语言一窍不通。He is a stranger to our language.
- 保修服务after service
- 他对该语言的掌握有所提高。His mastery of the language has improved some.
- 周到的服务quality service
- 他用污秽的语言侮辱人。He insulted others with filthy language.
- 澳洲土著语任何澳洲土著民族的语言Any of the languages of the aboriginal peoples of Australia.
- 服务流程service procedure
- Web服务协议WS agreement