- Web服务本体语言OWL-S
- Web服务本体描述语言Web ontology language for service
- Web服务本体OWL-S (ontology web language for services)
- Web服务本体模型Web Services Model Ontology (WSMO)
- 本体语言ontology language
- Web服务本体的分类及编码方法研究Research on the Web Service Ontology Classificatory and Code
- 版画本体语言的精纯化与异化The Purity and Alienation of Printmaking Language
- Web本体语言(OWL)Description Logic Reasoning Semantic Web
- 服务本体service ontology
- OWL(web本体语言)OWL (Web Ontology Language)
- Web服务图Web services graph (WSG)
- 在此基础上,通过服务本体描述和组织迁移工作流服务,实现服务发现。Then it organized migrating workflow service by service ontology to realize service discovery.
- 摘要从水彩画的本体语言以及水彩画发展的历史来看,过多地强调本体语言将成为水彩画发展的桎梏。In the perspective of the history of watercolour painting and the development of its artistic language, we can conclude that overemphasis on the artistic language will be an obstacle to the development of watercolour painting.
- Web服务流Post office service
- Web服务池web service pool
- 资源描述框架/Web本体语言RDF(s)/OWL
- Web服务协议WS agreement
- Web服务协定WS-Agreement
- Web服务事务WS-T
- Web服务寻址WS-addressing