- XP系统Teleperm XP system
- XP过程XP process
- 益康XPYikang XP
- 益康“xp”Yikang" xp"
- 保梯电抗XpPotier reactance Xp
- XP_PureUptoadXP_PureUpload
- XP起源于何处?Where did XP come from?
- Windows2000/XPWindows2000/XP
- XP与是什么关系?How does XP compare to UML?
- 极限编程(XP)Extreme Programming(XP)
- 最强破解XP口令方法The strongest method to decrypt the password of Window XP
- 在Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005中播放视频。You play a video in Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005.
- XP轻量型过程方法实践Practice Using XP Lightweight Process Method
- Windows XP修补程序:提供的驱动程序可能不能用Windows Update来安装Windows XP Patch: Offered Driver May Not Install Using Windows Update
- Windows XP的网桥功能Network bridge function of Windows XP
- Li_(1+2x+y)Al_xEu_yTi_(2-x-y)Si_xP_(3-x)O_(12)系统锂快离子导体Study on lithium fast ion conductors Li_(1+2x+y)Al_xEu_yTi_(2-x-y)Si_xP_(3-x)O_(12) system
- 没有客户的XP项目注定会远远偏离用户在项目结束时希望看到的最终结果。An XP project without a customer is doomed to stray far from what users end up wanting at the end of the project.
- 软件架构设计在XP方法中的实施Implementation of Software Architecture Design with XP
- 请升级到Windows XP或更高版本。Please upgrade to Windows XP or above.
- 一例46,X,i(Xp)引起的过早绝经A Case of Short arm Jaochromo- somc of the X Chromosome,46,X,i(Xp),Causing Premature Menopause