- With eyes open wide, he hunts when I hide. 当我躲起来时,他睁大眼睛找我。
- A dolphin sleeps with one eye open. 海豚睡的时候是只眼开只眼闭的。
- You gotta sleep with one eye open, girly. 你得睁只眼睛睡觉了,美眉。
- Dolphins sleep with one eye open! 海豚睡觉睁一眼闭一眼;
- You got to sleep with one eye open, girlie. 你最好睁着眼睡觉, 娘娘腔。
- Guide says with one's eyes open: "' diabolical tree ' be in around! 向导警惕地说:“‘恶魔之树’就在四周!”
- Liv: If I were your wedding, I'd be sleeping with one eye open... 丽芙:如果我是你的婚礼,我睡觉都会睁一只眼睡.....
- be round-eyed; with one's eyes opened wide 两眼睁得圆乎乎的
- Puck puts the liquid on the men’s eyes, and they both end up falling in love with one of the women. 帕克将魔液点在两个男子的眼睛上,结果他们俩都同时爱上了其中一个女孩。
- TV pictures released by the army showed a corpse dressed in trademark fatigues, with eyes open wide. 斯里兰卡军方公布的电视画面显示一具尸体,死者穿着普拉巴卡兰那身独特的迷彩军服,睁着两只眼睛。
- The farmer's eyes opened wide, his jaw dropped. 望着木匠的活,做大哥的目瞪口呆。
- He was shocked by the news and reeled back with his eyes open widely. 他为此消息感到震惊,眼睛大睁,步履蹒跚向后倒退。
- After that Ichigo‘s eyes opens and stares at Nell and GJ. 过后一护挣开眼睛,瞪着妮露和小葛。
- She then stood and stared at me, her eyes opening wide with disbelief. 她于是站住了并注视着我,眼睛充满疑惑地睁大。
- And indeed the idea of her mother finding these panties made her eyes open wide. 但这样的想法还是让她睁大了眼睛。
- His eyes opened wide as he went through them one by one, and when he came to tot them up in his head he found they came to about four hundred dollars. 冯云卿瞪着眼睛,把这些店账都一一翻过,心里打着算盘,却原来有四百块光景。
- With one's eyes open wide 睁大眼睛
- It is loafing with one eye open for the flashes of light that may illumine your mind with the answers you seek. 它是闲散地张着一只眼睛,让你看到一些闪光,那些闪光会照亮你的心灵,并带来你正在寻求的答案。
- You hide among the bushes with one eye open and one eye closed, looking shyly at the changeable world in spite of the months and years passing through your brown back. 树丛中的你睁一只眼闭一只眼,怯怯地望着这变幻莫测的世界,任凭岁月爬满你褐色的脊背上。
- The boy' s eyes rounded with excitement. 男孩兴奋得眼睛睁得圆圆的。