- Wolff定律Wolff's Law
- Wolff管Wolffian duct
- Wolff体corpus Wolffi
- Wolff法则Wolff's law
- 将在下一章加以研究的,乃是化合物为什么受这一定律的支配。It is why compounds obey this law that will be studied in the next chapter.
- Wolff管癌Wolffian duct carcinoma
- 牛顿时的运动定律适用于地球上一切东西。Newton's law of motion apply to all things on the earth.
- Wolff管残余Wolffian duct rest
- Wolff管腺瘤Wolffian duct adenoma
- 谁发现了引力定律?Who discovered the Law of Gravitation?
- Wolff体残余Wolffian body rest
- 阿贝正弦定律Abbe's sine law
- Wolff管切除术Excision of wolffian duct
- 阿布尼定律Abney's law
- 阿伦定律Allen's rule
- Wolff-Hirschhorn综合征Wolff-Hirschhorn syndrome
- 摆定律pendulum law
- Wolff操作用于耳廓后移植术Wolff procedure for postauricular grafting
- 努森余弦定律Knudsen's cosine law
- Wolff-Parkms面l-White综合征WOlff- Parkmson - Whitesyndrome