- Wu-Manber算法Wu-Manber algorithm
- Wu反走样算法Wu anti-aliasing algorithms
- Wu-Huberman算法Wu-Huberman algorithm
- 算法设计algorithm design
- Wu反走样Wu antialiasing
- 算法设计与分析The Design and Analysis of Algorithm
- Wu氏方程Wu-equation
- 控制算法control algorithm
- Tjon-Wu方程Tjon -Wu equation
- WU多瘤病毒WU polyomavirus
- 聚类算法clustering algorithm
- Wu血型抗体Blood group antibody Wu
- 启发式算法heuristic algorithm
- Wu血型抗原Blood group antigen Wu
- 迭代算法iterative algorithm
- Wu-King加载分布Wu-King loading profile
- 最优控制算法algorithm for optimal control
- Wu、耳基宽带蕨P .Wu, P. sinuata Ching & S. K.
- 渐缩算法knapsack algorithm
- Wu-Bauer亚塑性模型Wu-Bauer hypoplastic model