- X线断层照相装置tomographic X-ray unit
- X线体层摄影(术), X线断层照相(术)planography
- 电子计算X线断层照相术及涎腺造影术computed tomography and sialography
- 口腔颌面外科电子计算X线断层照相术computed tomography in oral and maxillofacial surgery
- 荧光X线照相装置photofluorographic unit; photoroentgen
- X线断层成像computed tomography
- 顺序化任意轨道断层照相装置optional orbit as ordered type layergraph
- X线断层显像术Tomography
- X线记波照相装置roentgenokymograph
- 连续(X线)照相装置serial radiographic apparatus; serialograph
- 计算机X线断层照像术Computed tomography
- 断层成像,层析X线摄影法,X线体层摄影,X线断层成像,X线断层(术)tomography
- 断层成像,层析X线摄影法,X线体层摄影(术), X线断层成像(术), X线断层(术)tomography
- X线断层照相术tomography
- 三维计算机X线断层照像术three- dimensional computed tomography
- X线断层radiotomy
- X线断层摄影机tomography unit
- X线断层术tomography
- X线断层图stratigram
- X线断层(术)radiotomy; tomography