- X线正位断层成像术radiographic frontal tomography
- X线正位断层成像(术)radiographic frontal tomography
- X线正位断层成像radiographic frontal tomography
- X线断层成像computed tomography
- 侧位断层成像术lateral tomography
- 矫形X线,x线正影描记术,正影描记术orthoroentgenography
- 光学相干断层成像术optical coherence tomography
- X线胸部正位片可见右下肺野斑片状模糊阴影,侧位片可见于右下叶后基底段和中叶X-ray films of the chest showed cloudy patches over the right lower lung field in the posterior-anterior view and over the postero-basal segment of the right lower lobe and the right middle lobe in the lateral view.
- 侧斜位断层成像术latero-oblique tomography
- X线正影检查器orthodiascope
- 中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变的光学相干断层成像分析Optical coherence tomography of central serous chorioretinopathy after laser therapy
- 钼靶X线Mammography
- 正位像reverse S-line of Golden
- 应用光学相干断层成像术测量正常人黄斑视网膜厚度的初步研究Quantitative Measurement of Macular Thickness in Normal Subjects by Optical Coherence Tomography
- K层X线K-shall x-ray
- 正位颌orthognathism
- 重型X线管heavy duty x-ray tube
- 侧位体层摄影,侧位断层成像术lateral tomography
- 轴向X线片axial roentgenogram
- 正位重复direct duplication